Recipe for the Week – Whole wheat Choco Chip Peanut Butter Cupcakes

6:00:00 pm
Hello again!! I suppose many of you are in the midst of decorating, baking and doing other Christmassy stuff J. The past few weeks have been depressing and hard on all of us,...

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Recipe for the Week – Chocolate Almond Cake (Baking Partners Challenge #5)

11:52:00 am
Hello there!! Remember me?? NO???? Horror of horrors!!! Well, I haven’t posted for nearly a month, so what did I expect?? But really, it was heartening to know that people were still reading...

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Baking Partners: A new Baking Group

3:54:00 pm
Baking Partners is a new Baking Group, started by a group of home bakers helping each other to achieve perfection in baking J. Baking homemade bread, cakes or cookies end up giving the best outcome. However,...

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Weekly Goals Update – 11 November 2012

10:34:00 am
Is it the second week of November already?? I guess having festivals and celebrations all around you makes time fly :-). Everyone seems to be either shopping, or eating or both, and I...

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The Same.

5:19:00 pm
I’m having kind of a ‘blogger’s block’ this week. (Or maybe I should call it ‘writer’s blogck’). Creative juices ain’t flowing, and nothing’s going ‘Ting!!’ in my head. However, something caught my attention recently, and...

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1:18:00 pm
The weather has finally cleared up a bit today, after two days of rain and really strong winds. I didn’t have anything specific to post about, so I thought I’d chatter on about...

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Link List - October

5:50:00 pm
October is ending and autumn is here! Well, at least in some parts of the world :-). There’s a limit to how ‘Autumn’ autumn can get here in Kerala!! So, let’s move on...

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Weekly Goals Update – 28 October 2012

1:23:00 pm
A bit late on the goals update, but better late than never, right? Worked out 5 days of the week, and had a brisk walk on the 6th. Woke up at 5:30 on...

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The ‘Liebster’ Award!!

11:33:00 am
The brains behind ‘Dreams n Drama’, Swarnali and Arpita, have nominated my blog for the ‘Liebster’ Award!! ‘Liebster’ is a German word which means ‘favorite’ or ‘beloved’. Thank you so much guys!! ‘Shocks...

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Weekly Goals Update – 21 October 2012

10:05:00 pm
How was your weekend, guys? Mine was good, shopping, (over)eating out :-). So this last week was quite good with respect to my goals, working out and deep cleaning. Now you must be...

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Recipe for the Week – Spaghetti Bolognese

12:01:00 pm
Before I begin, here’s a disclaimer – I have never been to Italy or eaten ‘authentic bolognese’ and so I make no claim regarding the authenticity of my recipe. However, I can guarantee...

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