Being Fab!

9:32:00 pm
Yes, this post is about ‘Being Me’, and I am Fab. No seriously, I am Fab, that’s my name. Also, I am kind of fabulous too :). ‘Being Me’ is a Woman’s Day...

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CouponzGuru: A Place to get the Best Restaurant Deals Online in India

2:57:00 pm
Have you ever had an experience where you ran a high tab while having food at a restaurant and then realized that other people ordering the same food were getting a discount? The...

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A Very Special Gift from a Very Special Friend!

12:43:00 pm
‘Let us be grateful to people who make us happy, they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom’ – Marcel Proust. One of the main reasons I started blogging was because...

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Outfit Post – Bright and Sunny!

5:05:00 pm
Yes, it’s getting brighter and sunnier here and so I decided that my outfit wouldn’t be left behind :). Hence the explosion of bright colors below. This outfit features several new buys, including...

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A super-short Delhi Trip!

7:04:00 pm
My first ever trip to the capital. And I barely skimmed the surface. How much can you do in just a couple of days? Yup, that’s all I got. This wasn’t actually a...

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